Happy Holidays!
- Nudie Jeans. Selvage. Slim. Stretch. Beautiful. https://www.nudiejeans.com/product/thin-finn-dry-twill
- Srixon 18 degree 2 iron. Stiff flex shaft. Buy this puppy during Cyber Monday and you could score a discount on a lot of sites! https://www.google.com/shopping/product/13211968188451739145?q=srixon+2+iron&safe=off&rlz=1CAACAV_enUS786US786&biw=1536&bih=662&prds=paur:ClkAsKraX5ZsH-m9KtowEqSyOrqYqp4XpL2Ba4xUDA0lwh0ixevHvqiEaEtrhadqQEt9su2VZzMoCs77gBTaGy8u2TfshfG6Q66D5hCFsob4qu-BySjekofofBIZAFPVH72cOUZi-aqQu0J09MrYZrFDI0FhWA&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi1of-vlPLeAhVHzlQKHSyNApUQ8wIIwAM
- Stance Socks. Simple. Cheap. Feed my addiction.
- Time to finish the garage gym! (and by the garage gym, meaning the basement because it's too frickin' cold to do anything in the garage. lol)
- Power rack. Best deal at repfitness.com or xtraining.com
- Bumper plates. Best deal at Vulcan Stength or xtraining.com.
- Rogue Bike at rogue.com. Solid deal just in time for the holidays
- My two obsessions are in full swing: golf and CrossFit. For golf, I'm down for anything size M (runs big) and a 34 waist. Go to reebok.com for all of your CrossFit apparel needs. Size Large or 34. Shoes 11.5.
- Standby for more updates to come!